Monthly Archives: August 2014

Alphabet Fruit

Watermelon is still around for the little remainder of summer that we have. And so I took some of my alphabet cookie cutters and decided to make my daughters a cute breakfast. I took the watermelon and sliced it 1/2″-3/4″

Alphabet Fruit

Watermelon is still around for the little remainder of summer that we have. And so I took some of my alphabet cookie cutters and decided to make my daughters a cute breakfast. I took the watermelon and sliced it 1/2″-3/4″

Water Balloon Scavenger Hunt

There is still sometime for summer left.  And what to do with it?  This is fun, whether your kids are young or old.  I filled some water balloons up, and hid them throughout the garden.  In the flowers, in the

Water Balloon Scavenger Hunt

There is still sometime for summer left.  And what to do with it?  This is fun, whether your kids are young or old.  I filled some water balloons up, and hid them throughout the garden.  In the flowers, in the

Blueberry Lemon Cookies

Blueberries, Blueberries, Blueberries!  They’re coming in right now, and by the lot full.  What to do with all those blueberries before they go bad?  Try these yummy cookies.   Here is what you need: 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking

Blueberry Lemon Cookies

Blueberries, Blueberries, Blueberries!  They’re coming in right now, and by the lot full.  What to do with all those blueberries before they go bad?  Try these yummy cookies.   Here is what you need: 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking

Recycled Egg Carton Bugs

We finished off our eggs and the eggs typically come in cardboard cartons, which I then throw in the recycling.  These eggs came in styrofoam containers this time, and I felt horrible just throwing them away.  I thought, ‘there has

Recycled Egg Carton Bugs

We finished off our eggs and the eggs typically come in cardboard cartons, which I then throw in the recycling.  These eggs came in styrofoam containers this time, and I felt horrible just throwing them away.  I thought, ‘there has